Your one stop for just about anything you’ll ever need for a Missouri Micro Business.

Exclusive access for Missouri Micro Business License Holders!


Missouri Micro Businesses are a stand alone ecosphere for cannabis. Working together is part of the plan from day one.


So, as a group that provided assistance to applicants it only makes sense to offer a portal for all things Micro Business.


Connect with other license holders, pool resources, find products and equipment, and more. 


The Cannabis Entourage effect is what we're trying to replicate here. Bring all the elements together in one place and let the magic happen from there.

Connect with other licensees, supporting businesses, product developers, marketing companies or service providers to help your new business thrive!

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Log in or Register to get access to all the features of the Missouri Micro Business Community.


Its FREE to use this site so you've literally got nothing to lose!

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Chances are you'll need "stuff" and with this industry sometimes its hard to find. Especially if you're using a "traditional" marketplace.

Missouri Micro Businesses have a classified section that will help you find what you're looking for. The best part, is you're supporting other businesses in the Missouri Cannabis space!

Some of our supporters:


The only people who will be granted access to the resources and contacts here are Missouri Micro Business License Holders, or our vetted community of supporting businesses. 

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